All Around The World

All Around The World

Monday, March 3, 2014

Japan – Land Of The Rising Sun

Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Japan is an archipelago of 6,852 islands, the four largest being Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu and Shikoku. Together, these four islands hold about 97 percent of the country's land area. Japan is located in the temperate and subtropical, temperate climate with four distinct seasons. Latitude across the country reached 25 °, the north-south temperature difference is very significant. Hokkaido and Honshu's northeastern region, temperate highlands, local and in most areas compared to subtropical Okinawa and other southern islands. In addition, Japan location make her suffer monsoon and ocean currents affect the intersection, thus four distinct seasons, abundant rainfall.

Japan, which also have the names of “Land Of The Rising Sun”. Japan, a city of 127,103,392 people, are located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south. Japan has a total of 6,852 islands extending along the Pacific coast of East Asia. The country, including all of the islands it controls, lies between latitudes 24° and 46°N, and longitudes 122° and 146°E. The main islands, from north to south, are Hokkaidō, Honshū, Shikoku and Kyūshū. TheRyūkyū Islands, including Okinawa, are a chain to the south of Kyūshū. Together they are often known as the Japanese Archipelago. About 73 percent of Japan is forested, mountainous, and unsuitable for agricultural, industrial, or residential use. As a result, the habitable zones, mainly located in coastal areas, have extremely high population densities. Japan is one of the most densely populated countries in the world.

  • Mount Fuji
Mount Fuji is the Japanese word for "volcano" that altitude 3776 meters, is the highest peak in Japan, an area of ​​90.76 square kilometers, 80 kilometers from Tokyo. This is the Japanese regarded as a "holy mountain" peaks from 781 years since records have the text of the eruption of 18 times, the last eruption was in 1707, has been dormant since then. Two volcanoes hilltop mouth formed two beautiful volcanic lake, as well as the foothills of the volcanic eruption left a mix of caves, some still continue jet. Fu Yue Wind Cave on the wall is covered with stalactite-like icicles, known as the "years of snow." Fuji Mountain Fuji Five Lakes, Lake very pleasant; south of the plateau is a vast pasture, green grass, cattle and sheep flocks. Suitable for summer camping, swimming, fishing, skiing in winter is a good place to skate. Spring of each year, cherry blossom, against the background in downtown, overlooking Mount Fuji views.

  • Tokyo Tower
Tokyo Tower is Japan's tallest freestanding tower, 333 meters high. Tower supported by the legs, as vertebral ribs, the tower is painted yellow and clarify a section of white, colorful. The tower is a great launching pad television and radio stations. In the 100 meters high where there is a two-story observatory; at 250 meters high where there is a glass observatory, Tokyo, Tokyo Bay, Izu, Boso Peninsula before your eyes. Lower part of the tower is Tower Building, first floor lounge on the second floor is a shopping mall, the largest in the Far East on the third floor is a first Wax Museum, Science Museum and the fourth floor is the modern TV studio. Hama Rikyu Garden Hama Rikyu Garden garden is the Edo period, located in the southwest end of the central area of Tokyo Tokyo Bay River, an area of ​​26,500 square meters. The park was originally the imperial eagle Tokugawa shogun field. The palace became emperor Meiji era after World War II to the park. It is the waterfront, cited seawater into the pool, is a representative of the Edo period, "Lin Quanting garden style into the lake." Park has a yacht, visitors can take a boat from here to the many attractions in the Gulf of Tonkin to play.

  • Meiji Shirine
Meiji Shrine is dedicated to Emperor Meiji and Empress Shôken Empress and the construction of the shrine, built in 1915 to 1920, during World War II burned, as is rebuilt in 1958, is located in Tokyo's Shibuya district. God palace with all kinds of trees in the more than 10 species of plants, a total of more than 300 kinds. God intrauterine south, north, west three homage corridor, into the right path from the south, roads towering old trees, wild forma. After the Dowager Empress Shôken promising special provision into the Regency, an area of ​​over 80,000 square meters, there are colorful flowers in the garden, especially in the South Regency filled lake iris fields, cultivation of more than 150 kinds of irises, the annual mid-June , large iris bloom and become a major shrine views. Palace halls are built with cypress wood, carved beams are cautious gorgeous, well worth watching. The annual New Year's Day and March 11, there are many who traveled throughout Japan Yasukuni Shrine rushed.

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